Grooved butterfly valve has a variety of kinds of methods. According to the effect to points, can be divided into cut-off valve, the valve rod is as above, check, safety valve, regulator valve, relief valve, turn valve. As in opening and closing method to points, can be divided into two categories: he operated valve quasi automatic valve. Valve is to rely on external forces him to open and close the valve, and can be divided into manual valve, pneumatic valve, hydraulic valve, electric valve, automatic valve is the valve can be. Automatic operation, no need of the external force, such as: check Yin, safety valve, regulator valve, relief valve, the drain valve.
It is best to follow the shape and structure of valve types. This classification method of image to describe the characteristics and structure of the valve:
Structural characteristics of gate valve is sent to open and close the door by using fq7 M board. Adjusting the 114 plate height, can adjust the amount of fluid travel. So it can be used as a cut-off valve can also be used as a control valve,
In accordance with the gate structure can be divided into wedge gate width and parallel gate valve two. Wedge gate valve as shown in Figure 2 (a 1) shows, the gate like a wedge is inserted in the valve seat, disc connecting rod (screw), read through the broad rod (screw) stretch action to hoist or adjusting the height of flashboard. Figure 2 shows a I parallel, gate consists of two parallel plates, plates sandwiching a block or two wedges, the wedge block movement to squeeze two gates to divided right and left, close the valve seat sealing surface, with the door closed Yan.
Turbine trench butterfly valve used in petroleum, chemical, food, medicine, papermaking, power, shipping, water supply and drainage, smelting, energy system. Available in a variety of corrosive, non - corrosive gas, liquid, semi-liquid and solid powder pipelines and containers used for regulating and cutting equipment. Especially widely used in high-rise building fire safety systems and other need to display the state of pipeline valve switching system.
Turbine grooved butterfly valve does not need welding, installation speed is 3 times faster than the flange connection groove tube head is lighter than the flange, bolt quantity is less, operation only needs a spanner. The construction site of no fire, no welding slag pollution in the pipeline, especially suitable for fire site. And the flange connecting total construction cost saving 10-20%. Groove joint space for 2:3 compared with the flange, bolts and no direction, especially suitable for narrow space.
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