In recent years, as the development of mechatronics, electric valvewhich is one of the most important mechanical products ushered in ahitherto unknown market. Electric valve than conventional valves(manual valves, pneumatic valves) at work more source saving, safe and reliable. In environmental protection and safety is more and more high today, electric valve is indispensable. The huge market demand requirements of electric valve is also more and more high.
The application field of electric valve is broad, involved in petroleum, chemical, electric power, nuclear power, metallurgy,shipbuilding, light industry, food, municipal etc.. On the product itself, the electric valve fitted with easy, low failure rate, and the advantage of meeting of industry automation needs, is the industry more cost-effective choice. Because the use of conventionalpneumatic valve, inevitably a piping, solenoid valve and the compressor can be successful. While the electric valve is a motor-driven, easy install, and electric valves installed with the original factory lines can be controlled, can save other costs. In addition, the motor drive open and close more smoothly, without an excessive momentum shortcomings, failures can be substantially reduced rate.
Petrochemical industry mainly uses the API standard gate valve,globe valve and check valve; power sector mainly adopts high pressure power station gate valve, globe valve, check valve and safety valve and a part of water supply and drainage valve with low pressure butterfly valve, gate valve; chemical industry mainly usesstainless steel gate valve, globe valve, check valve.
Metallurgical industry mainly uses low-voltage large-diameterbutterfly valve, oxygen valve and the oxygen valve; urban construction departments mainly adopts low pressure valve, such as large diameter gate of city tap water pipe is mainly adopted, the center line butterfly valve mainly by building construction, urban heating mainly adopts the metal sealing butterfly valve; pipelinemainly uses the flat gate valve and ball valve; the pharmaceutical industry mainly uses stainless steel ball valve; the food industry mainly uses stainless steel ball valve.
The electric valve is a new variety of the valve industry, so theelectric valve market prospect is very broad, foundry enterprises should be more understanding of the industry, provide the castingfor the industry, with the electric valve in the new industry to drive the development of foundry industry, in order to obtain newdevelopment power.
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